Hello, it’s Part 7! We’ve gotten everything working - this part of the tutorial will be a whirlwind tour of some of the scientific Python ecosystem.

Unlike the first six parts, this part will, after we get one thing running, be without checkpoints. Let’s go!

Get Jupyter Running

Jupyter is a tool for prototyping and experimenting. It’s like a ultra-powerful command line - you can edit past commands, run them in any order, and so on. It should have come with your conda install, so try running jupyter notebook.

Yowza, that should have just opened a web browser! Press the New button in the upper right to create a new notebook – choose Python 3 if you’re given a choice of which Python to use.

Now you’ve got a notebook! This just runs Python. Try a few commands. You can put more than one command in a cell, too!


  • run print("Hello Jupyter") in a cell in your notebook.

You should see:

  • Hello Jupyter output in your notebook!

Not So Fast, Rabbit

bugs loves notebooks

Notebooks are great for hacking and experimenting. But they’re not your final output! And taking a bit of care with your notebooks will make moving your experimental code to a module ‘way easier:

  • Always name your notebooks! Even scratchpad-2018-09-23.ipynb is better than untitled.ipynb.
  • You should be able to run all your cells in order, and have things work!
  • Never run things out of order. If you find yourself having to “just” run cell 3 before cell 2, stop and move your code around.
  • Keep all your imports at the top of your notebook.
  • If you define a function, move it up to the top - and only have one function per cell.
  • Be very careful with variable names. Each notebook only has one namespace … so if you call something result in one cell, you could end up referring to that same result 10 cells in the future by accident.

The Ecosystem

OK, now let’s take a look at some things! We’re going to cover the following modules. Most of them should have come with your conda installation. If you don’t have them, exit Jupyter, run conda install <package-name>, and then run jupyter notebook again.


We’ve gotten Jupyter working, mentioned some caveats about Jupyter, and taken a tour of part of the Python MIR ecosystem. We’re basically done! Read on to Part 8 for the last section and next steps.