This is the Appendix! It covers a few things we didn’t cover in much detail in much more detail. Specifically:

  • How to set up your own Read The Docs.
  • More info about git and version control.

Read The Docs

Due to some technical limitations of Read The Docs, we couldn’t get you setup with your own Read The Docs account. This section will tell you how to do that.

Visit ReadTheDocs, and press Sign up, and the select Sign Up With GitHub. Like with Travis, you’ll be asked to authorize ReadTheDocs to use your GitHub account – do the same as you did before.

ReadTheDocs will also ask you to confirm your email, so open up your email client and do so.


No command line here either - you should be able to visit ReadTheDocs and see your GitHub username in the upper-right to indicate that you’re logged in.

Sending Code to Read The Docs

For the next step, you’ll need a repository of your own that is not a fork of another repository that is on Read The Docs. One way to do this would be to make a brand-new repository on GitHub (maybe name it your-github-username-rtd-test?), and then manually copy the code from this repository into it.

Once you’ve got that repository, visit Click on the Import a Project button, and find your project in the list of repositories. Press the big + button next to your new repo, and you’ll be taken to an import page. You can leave the defaults as-is and just press Next. This will take you to the project page, and you should see the words Webhook successfully added.

This means that Read The Docs will build your docs the next time you push a change to your code to GitHub!


No command line here - change some trivial thing in your documentation, push the code to GitHub, and you should be able to view your documents on Read The Docs.

Git & Version Control

There’s lots of room to understand more about git and GitHub. If you want to learn more, we’d recommend spending some time working with git in a test project to get a feel for how it works. In terms of concepts, the next thing to learn after what we presented is probably what merge and rebase do, and how they differ.

Some resources you could look at are: