12.5. Exercises#
Exercise 12.1
Compute the poles and zeros of each of the following filters. Which ones are stable?
\(y[n] = \frac{1}{2} \cdot x[n] + \frac{1}{2} \cdot y[n-1] - y[n-2]\)
\(y[n] = x[n] + x[n-2] - 2 \cdot y[n-1]\)
Exercise 12.2
A system is given to you with poles at \(\{0.5 + 0.5 \mathrm{j}, 0.5 - 0.5\mathrm{j}\}\) and zeros at \(\{-0.5, +0.5\}\).
Create a pole-zero plot for this system, similar to Fig. 12.7 (left).
Is the system stable?
Is the system high-pass, low-pass, or neither?
Exercise 12.3
We’ve seen the function scipy.signal.tf2zpk
, which produces the zeros, poles, and gain of a filter when given the feed-forward and feed-back coefficients b
and a
. There is also a function which reverses this process, scipy.signal.zpk2tf
Starting from the example code given in Section, construct an elliptic filter with the following properties: sampling rate of \(f_s=44100\), cutoff frequency of \(f_c=16000\), transition bandwidth of 2000 Hz, pass-band ripple of 3dB, and stop-band attenuation of 120dB.
to calculate the zeros, poles, and gain of the filter.Use
to derive new filters with the following properties:poles = []
(i.e., no poles), but with zeros and gain from the original filter;zeros = []
(i.e., no zeros), but with poles and gain from the original filter.Substitute the poles for zeros and vice versa, e.g.,
scipy.signal.zpk2tf(poles, zeros, gain)
For each of these three filters (original, no-poles, no-zeros, swapped), plot the resulting frequency response curves given by scipy.signal.freqz
. How do the modified filters differ from the original?